Large-Scale Funding

RPS Financial Services via their Global Strategic Partnerships can provide access to capital in the form of long-term and flexible funding structures. This alternative funding model is ideally suited to support governments, financial institutions, infrastructure, large-scale developments and other major projects.


Access to a diverse range of funding, economic and monetary driven policy-based product solutions to sovereign, sub-sovereign, state-owned corporations (SOC’s), government entities and Ministries of governments across the globe.

With decades of commercial banking experience, we can assist in tailoring a finance solution to support the government.

Available funding solutions include providing liquidity capital in the form of long-term debt financing structures to support a broad range of government financial needs such as:

RPS Financial Services work with reputable investment firms to provide assistance to governments and political leadership to analyse, create, plan and implement macro and microeconomic stimulus, monetary, geopolitical and infrastructure policy to meet government funding objectives.


Support for all levels of Governments, including Federal, State and Local by accessing capital for major infrastructure projects, property development and other capital programs. 

The products available are ideally suited for funding the development and delivery of both economic infrastructure and critical social infrastructure including;

Through their strategic partners, policy support is available in conjunction with a highly reputable US-based investment Firm and includes strategic financial advice relating to:

RPS Financial Services can provide access to industry experts, who specialise in enabling sovereign development via capital investment to support critical and social infrastructure to improve the countries standard of living.

Financial Institutions and Insurance Companies

Access to sophisticated liquidity solutions for Financial Institutions, Multilateral Institutions, Treasuries, Central Banks, Non-bank Financial Institutions and Insurance companies.

These solutions include direct debt funding to Treasury, loan or Asset portfolio re-capitalization and/or securitization, balance sheet refinancing, Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital, acquisitions, payment of regulatory fines, solvency capital support, non-performing loan (NPL) portfolios, debt syndication of loans and portfolio asset-management based financing structures. The liquidity support does not require collateral or assets and can be unsecured in qualified structured transactions.

Support in purchasing institutional time deposits from qualified banks and institutions that are structured in compliance with the funding providers conditions and requirements.

These liquidity products can be used as a single-source institutional capital alternative to share capital increases, capital markets borrowing and central bank liquidity borrowing.

Liquidity is provided generally in U.S. Dollar or Euro denominated currencies to mitigate against currency risk. However, currency hedging by the client may be utilized to offset the currency exchange if required.

The product available offers 3 to 40year loan terms and are competitively priced compared to market terms.

Through their strategic partners, RPS Financial Services can provide access to US Dollar foreign currency reserves for foreign central banks, commercial banks and insurance companies.

Loan Product Profile;


All financial products available and offered to Government, Infrastructure, Financial Institutions and Insurance companies are subject to the sole discretion of the lenders risk, compliance and assessment requirements.

All financial products available are compliant with all United States regulatory and compliance requirements.

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